UiTM Shah Alam: Law School Life & Experience, All Semester 1-8 Notes and Materials


Prepared by: Averroes

NOTE: If you guys wanna access all my notes and materials, you can scroll all the way down!!!! 

A little bit of introduction of myself, I am Averroes and there is a reason why I adopted that name. It has historical and philosophical context to it, despite being harangued for having this sort of gamer or TikTok or E-boy connotations to it (assumed by the majority of people). 

I began my law school foundation Asasi Dengkil years in 2018/2019 and currently (as I am writing write now) in my 4th Semester of law school degree in UiTM Shah Alam, 2019 to 2023 (expected). In this article, I would be sharing with you guys my experience so far studying law, and I will update this article every single semester until I graduate. 

If you're curious about how law school looks like and the environment, check out this video right here and share it with others!

Semester 1:

I was super excited for this semester, as it was my first to step into Shah Alam, the capital city of the State of Selangor. I had dreams of going on lots of outings or travelling with my friends in this bustling and lively city. I entered law school around September 2019, if I recalled correctly. 

This is the only semester that I have felt the physical ambience of being surrounded by human beings and actually going to malls with them and just explore this compelling city. 

During this time, I was still finding myself and trying to figure out what to exactly do with my life. In the meantime, I was still working on my YouTube Channel and I've always wanted to join the UiTM Shah Alam Mooting Squad with Sir Irwin and Dr, Ummi and their likes, as well as our veterans like Wardah and Amir who've entered Phillip Jessup and international moots if I'm not mistaken.

During this time, I participated in the Dean's Cup Internal Moot Competition 2019 hosted by the Moot Club in our beloved law school. I didn't get the chance to submit, only as the solicitor because I went for umrah and Turkey before the competition started. 

I was also amazed by Tapau or Aiman Hakeem, he was the president for the International Law Club and I've been inspired by these people, the first time I saw them back in Dengkil and wanted to be just like them. So I signed up to join mooting and MUNs.

I managed to score deans list and I was selected to represent UiTM in HarvardMun in Tokyo, but unfortunately it got postponed and perhaps even cancelled due to Covid-19 (sighs*). I met lots of new people and I wasn't that hard to adapt to the subjects, because I was already taught to these subjects back in my foundation years.

At least I managed to win best delegate in the UiTM internal Model United Nations which allowed me to represent UiTM in the said HarvardMun!

Semester 2: 

In this semester, I was selected as the Secretary for Kolej Meranti, and I couldn't really have much exposure because in the first month, Covid-19 plagued the whole world and our country entered into a Movement Control Order (MCO), where we were stuck at our homes for a very long time and I had the gut feeling that we could enter back the next semester, but to no avail, it never materialised. 

During that time, I joined OIA or UGLAM where we as UiTM students become buddies for international students who come here as exchange students. I never had the chance to become a buddy or hang out with them (mostly students from Japan), but I did attend this farewell party and ate some food and partied. Unfortunately, I got kicked out, because I wasn't really active as I had other commitments, such as Model United Nations and Mooting. 

I was supposed to enter NISMUNC as well, but turns out, it also got cancelled due to Covid-19. So here begins my first journey of Online-Distance-Learning (ODL) and probably would waste the entirety of my life staring at a laptop monitor until god knows when Covid-19 will ever end. 

Most probably, the most awesome subject that I learnt this semester would have to be Constitutional Law under the tutelage of Sir Nazim, with all his wisdom and ideas, despite it being unorthodox, well his teachings methods for the majority of students. 

During this semester, I can't remember what happened that much, but I just continued working on my YouTube Channel and slowly climbed my way into mooting. I think before semester 3, I had an interview session with Sir Irwin and Wardah was one of the judges evaluating my progress. I got my friend, Isyraf to hop on as well. 

Semester 3: 

For this semester, studying online continued as normal and I had the opportunity to participate in TLMUN 2021 where I joined the Concert of Europe Council which is a Crisis Council with their own procedures. Unfortunately, I was not able to win anything, but I learnt alot and made one or two connections from it!

Same goes with KL-Bar E-Moot Competition 2021, I did not attain or achieve anything from it, but I was able to sharpen and improve my knowledge on Constitutional Law, which is a subject that I very much enjoy learning. 

My favourite subject for semester would definitely hands down be Criminal Law with Sir Ashran teaching us. He would display an array of blades and weapons to class and reenact performances of people being choked and beaten, it adds more sentimental and memorable impressions to me when I'm in his class. Honestly, I only remember most of the tidbits from him during this semester. 

It was this time around that the Covid-19 MCO restrictions were a bit relaxed, so I had the chance to go travel and have a vacation to Perak and Terengganu. I visited several museums and had the chance to see the world for a change. It was riveting and awesome!

I really hope that Covid-19 ends sooner or later...

Semester 4:

In this semester, I participated in SAMCO which is the Sports Arbitration Moot Competion 2021. Again, I did not win and caused a scene within UiTM and my team members, it was something very controversial and I had learnt so much to become a more mature and responsible person from now on.

Until this very day, I always lament of how childish I was and begin to question myself, day-by-day. I kept on watching videos of how to be more gentleman like, how they dress, speak and behave. Sometimes videos on how to be chivalrous, sounds kinda cringy, but I thought this way, I would stop being a hormonal breeding teen who is actually an early adult.

However, I managed to represent UiTM in the Tun Suffian Constitutional Moot Court Competition 2021 in the next semester and I'm super excited to improve and attain something this time around. 

I don't know what I did to deserve to lose everything that I do, but I guess winning is not everything. I'm afraid that, every time I lose, how am I suppose to win cases for my clients in court in the future, if I don't make a great impact now. This worries me, but I still have faith for myself and try my best in what I can do. 

Also, I participated in the ASOC 2021, (can't remember the acronym) where I discussed on the topic of ecotourism. I didn't win anything from there, but I got to meet and create new connections with people across the ASEAN region, especially from the Philippines and Indonesia. 

Lastly, I'm planning to enter into UiTM MUN, which is the first ever MUN that UiTM will ever host and I'm really looking forward to it. I invited some of my friends to form a group delegation, and I'm still practicing to tolerate defeat and remain calm for every loss in each competitions I enter into. It has a mental impact on me, but as the saying goes 'if you win, then so what?' or 'what's next?'.

Semester 5:

For this semester end of 2021 to early 2022, I participated in more competitions. I can't really recall what were the competitions, but from what I remembered were the Tun Suffian Constitutional Moot Court Competition organised by University of Malaya. Our team didn't win, but I was glad to have learnt more about the Iki Putra case and laws about Companies. 

I participated in several Model United Nations Competitions and some of them includes Asia Youth International Mode United Nations (AYIMUN), Indo-Pacific Youth Model United Nations (IPYMUN), United Youth International Model United Nations (UYIMUN), TogetherMun and International Model United Nations (IMUN). I hope that I would be selected to be the co-chair for UiTM MUN. 

In the meantime, I'm preparing for the AIAC Pre-Vis Moot Competition and hopefully, I could proceed to fly to Vienna or Hong Kong for my next mooting competitions!

So far, for this semester, I personally want to be more mature, smarter, wiser and not talk to much or babble hahahaha. I'm still learning to take responsibility, manage myself physically and mentally and learn new skills, talents, explore places and generally improve myself and abilities. I'm trying to be more confident and get rid of my insecurities, but overall it's hard, but I'm putting up a fight. Most importantly is stop being a simp and a little boy. 

The 3 main principles that I hold onto life right now is discipline, motivation and passion.

My favourite subjects this semester would be international law, jurisprudence and maybe Islamic Family Law. I was glad that for my Honours Project Paper and I don't know why people call it FYP for final year project, I had the chance to meet the Commissioner of Heritage who has powers under the National Heritage Act and entered the Bangunan Abdul Samad for the first time. It was an experience that I will never forget!

Semester 6:

Before I entered into semester 6, I joined the AIAC Pre-Vis International Commercial Moot Court Competition 2022, where I mooted on substances and issues of arbitration competency with regards to the New York Convention, UNCITRAL and foreign precedents, whether there was acceptance of goods and whether the arbitration clause was also accepted as under the CISG, UNIDROIT under the AIAC. 

Even though, I did not win or proceed to the next rounds, I've already mastered the feeling of defeat and to try again and become more resilient in the future. 

One day, I was contacted by Mr. Nazmi Zaini from his law firm, Messrs Nazmi Zaini Chambers which is a firm that specialises in contracts, banking, offshore dealings, mergers and acquisitions, dispute resolution, advisory and commercial matters. He invited me to become their intern and I said YES!

I was given the opportunity to write articles for the firm virtually until August this year, and I will be doing physical internships with them from August to October. I have also wrote a report with a special writer or a Professor from the University of Malaya on RegTech. 

Hopefully in the physical internship, the firm would take me for outstations and go to courts. 

For this semester, I am preparing to enter into the 17th LawAsia Moots 2022 and if I win this, I could represent my university and maybe Malaysia to Sydney, Australia. My dream is to also make into Phillips Jessup soon, even if I'm doing it in my final year. 

Sometimes I wonder why my other batchmates did their LawAsia and Phillips Jessup earlier than me while I had to enter so much mooting competitions to reach it. Maybe I shouldn't compare by journey to others. Everyone has their own story and life to tell, so I figured I should conquer myself rather than conquering others or feel envious. 

Update: I participated in LawAsia, but my team consisting of Alia and Intan did not proceed to the semi-finals. We had a post-mortem, sharing session, and even if we did not proceed or win anything with a shiny trophy, but I was glad that this mooting experience made be a more mature and patient person. 

I participated in the ASEAN Youth Students Dialogue Competition 2022 held on 11th and 18th June 2022 where me, Irfan and Sahrul discussed on Topic 3: Regional Policies to Enhance Sustainable Development which we received Best Team Award as the delegate of Singapore. I also managed to win the Honourable Mentions. 

As such, me, Irfan and Sahrul would be representing UiTM to the 7th ASEAN Foundation Model ASEAN as we were invited by ALSA UiTM. 

For social community activities, I participated as a volunteer at the Smile That Bring Hope Bengkel Daya Klang on 19th June 2022 where I mingled among my friends, lecturers, juniors and people with disabilities to understand and have awareness on them. We did gotong-royong and had a small performance with them. It was a nurturing and wholesome experience. 

Later, I joined the Taylor's Lakeside Model United Nations 2022 in the Dewan Rakyat Council as MP Santubong, as the Minister for Law and Parliament in the Prime Minister's Department, Wan Junaidi. I won the most oustanding delegate award in which we discussed on two topics, first regarding Sabah and Sarawak and secondly about Malaysian economic revival.

In the meantime, I am assigned with Professor Dr. Tunku Intan and Prof. Aisyah Chuah, thes two great lecturers whereby I will be entering into two separate projects with them repsectively. One is under the International Law Student Conference "Globalisation, Innovation & Sustainability" where we have to write an abstract and do a presentation on it on the International Dispute Resolution Mechanism. 

With Prof. Aisyah, she has not given full disclosure of the project, but it is a short reproduction of the National Heritage Act 2005 on intangible cultural heritage that we did in Semester 4 and 5. I also assisted her on writing the Rights of Stateless Children in Malaysia. 

Lastly, I really hope that my law firm would sponsor me to enter into a physical AYIMUN 2022 this year in Kuala Lumpur, so I need to persuade them as much as possible. I was considering IMUN 2022 in the Philippines, since I've always wanted to go there and speak Tagalog and blend in with the people.

I'm planning to apply for Kolej Perindu, because we have been studying online for more than 2 years and I want to spent my last year in UiTM by hanging out with new bros or housemates from my college. I want to make as much memories as possible. Though, I failed my Evidence Law and I applied to sit for the retake exam on 19th September. 53 of my batch mates failed their evidence law. I don't want to remain stuck in semester 6 and I want to enter final year. 

InsyaAllah, my prayers will be granted to pass Evidence Law in the retake exam. 

Semester 7:

What a breath of relief, I passed my Evidence Law retake exam and now, I'm onto my final year of law school!

Yeah, I did not get to enter Kolej Perindu, I got Kolej Meranti which was the 1st and only ever Kolej I stayed in UiTM. It brought back the memories when classes where still physical back in 2019 and 2020. My housemates are Fitrie, Haikal, Adib, Wan, Ariiq and Rusdi. They are all part 1 students from the Faculty of Engineering. 

We joined most of the programmes in Kolej Meranti, including bacaan Yassin in the majority of times and got free food afterwards. We want to stay in kolej as long as we want, so that's where most of the marks are received to stay huhuhu. 

The best part is that we jog every afternoon at the park in Seksyen 2, play ping pong, badminton at bangunan Budisiswa and went outing to Negeri Sembilan from Lata Kijang, to Seremban and finally in Port Dickson. 

Yup, our classes are now conducted physically now, no more of that online nonsense, but everything is more difficult and challenging once it's physical, no more copy paste, google and online communications for exams or assessments XD. 

Also, I am going to take part in Phillip Jessup 2023 in the National Rounds which would be held between 3-5 March in 2023 at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. I can't believe that I have reached that stage in my life, a long-awaited competition. It took me so many years to eventually enter Phillip Jessup and here I am, in Part 7, and old geezer or hog while others may have the privilege to enter earlier in their tender years, sigh*. 

Though, I should still be grateful for the opportunity, with the help again of Sir Irwin, Dr. Ummi and a number of seniors grooming us in the coming weeks. For this moot, if we win the national rounds, we stand a chance to fly to Washington for the international rounds. The theme for this moot is international humanitarian law in times of armed conflict, unilateral sanctions and transboundary pollution. 

Apart from that, I was selected to participate in the ASEAN-China Young Leaders Programme which was supposed to be held in 4th December 2022, both in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Jakarta, Indonesia. Unfortunately, it got delayed to June next year in 2023. It is a forum or simulation of an actual ASEAN Meeting, but involving China. We already formed a WhatsApp group with other Malaysians. 

Then, I also joined the Sukan Antara Fakulti (SAF) which was held on 20th January 2023, and I managed to score 1 marks for our Law Faculty in a running marathon, if that's what it's called. I ran within 28 minutes for a distance of 4.5km-ish with my housemates. Honestly, I represented both the law faculty and engineering. I wore the engineering shirt on that day, it was blue and yellow in colour hahaha. 

Afterwards, I tried auditioning for the Harum M. Hashim Client Consultation Competition 2023 and I hope I get to represent UiTM for this. Though, Afiq the President of ALSA did contact me asking for my IC and full name, I assume I got selected hehehe. It's a competition where we team up with a pair and give legal advice to a client on their legal disputes and issues. The central theme for this competition is environmental law. 

I really hope that everything goes well for our finals, since we haven't done physical exams for around 6 months I reckon. I am afraid and nervous all mixed up with butterflies in my stomache, but I have to muster all the courage and bravery to sit for it, so I can then step into semester 8 of law school! Amin, insyaAllah!

Semester 8:

I've managed to enter part 8 of law school without repeating any subjects, my evidence and remedies subject is what nearly caused me to repeat it, as both my grades for those subjects were C's. I finally entered Philip C. Jessup 2023 after all this time and UiTM managed to get 5th place out of the 7 local universities competing in the national rounds. 

The competition was held at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) or universiti watan. Winners would proceed to the international rounds in Washington DC. 

I also participated in the Harun M. Hashim Client Consultation Competition 2023 which was held in the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM). It's a simulation competition where we would represent as solicitors, interviewing our client on environmental issues. UiTM got 4th place out of 5 universities competing. 

Winners would proceed to the international rounds in the Netherlands. 

For this semester, I hope to be selected for the YSEALI Regional Workshop: Innovating Higher Education to be held in Hanoi Vietnam this May, as well as the YSEALI Fellowship Programme in the USA for 5 weeks after graduating law school (expected August 2023). (Update: I didn't get selected for the regional workshop, and for the fellowship, it's been 4 months since I haven't received any update from April 2023). 

It's confirmed that I will fly to Phnom Penh or Siem Riep this June 2023 for ACYPL, I pray that everything turns out smoothly. (Update: I got back from Siem Reap and I was astonished by the beauty of Cambodian culture, heritage and history. I will add a video of my experience there here)

I'm still looking forward for more opportunities this semester, any events, programmes or competitions available. I've also applied for internship and chambering at Skrine, and I will be having an online written assignment with them. I've been watching interview questions on YouTube and done some research about the firm.

In fact, once I graduate, I'm planning to join as many workshops, classes, seminars and forums to improve my qualification and accreditation before doing my pupillage/ chambering. I would like to visit Bank Negara Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia, and many museums and other important institutions within the country, to meet industry experts and other professionals and gain new ideas. 

I participated in in the 2023 ILSA UNISZA International Moot Court Competition, but I only managed to do around 50% of the written memorial since, my team mate, Aziz had other commitments. 

For me, this semester had been very challenging and taxing both mentally and physically, from my interpersonal relationship with my firm mates, no friends, and always questioning my purpose every single day. 

However, I kept on grinding and do the things that I love to do, such as going snorkelling, jungle-trekking and hiking at Perhentian island, seeing so many corals and different marine species. Not to mention I do cardio, gym and calisthenics every single day, without missing it!

I'm also planning to go to Hat Yai and then ride a train from there to Bangkok once I graduate and go on more hiking adventures!

Though, on 19th August 2023, there would be the Youth Climate Forum 2023 (YCF), and I can't wait to meet new ASEAN friends and make new meaningful connections with others.

Goodbye Law School, I hope I won't fail any subjects or get extended, sobs... sobs... :(


Please donate here at this bank account - MUHAMMAD AMANULLAH BIN MOHD RASHIDI - MayBank - 166010396555. The recommended donation amount per subject is RM25, but you can donate as much as you'd like. 

Semester 1 here

Semester 2 here

Semester 3 here

Semester 4 here

Semester 5 here

Semester 6 here

Semester 7 here

Semester 8 here
