How to file your chambering/ pupillage forms (part 1)


Written by: Averroes

Hey what’s up everybody, Averroes here!

In this article I’m gonna show you how to file your chambering/ pupillage files in order for you to be come an advocate and solicitor of the High Court of Malaya PART 1.

Yes, it’s part part 1, because I will only show you how to file Forms 1 to 5 only. The remaining Forms 6 to 8 will be made in another article.  

You might stumble upon this article, because you just finished law school, you got your law degree or that you decided to quit your job and finally wanted to pursue to become a lawyer.

Ladies and gentlemen, you came to the right place, because I am going to show you a step-by-step guide on how to file your cause papers and finally reach your goals. 

First of all, a huge shout out to lexonaut and brainylaw for making this article possible and my chambering filing easy. They also provided a written guide on how to do it, so check out their website as they also provide samples to fill in your chambering files. 


You can access the slide for a summarised version of this entire article. 

You can watch this video below for a detailed explanation for each step:-

Step 1:

Fill in your Form 1, the affidavit and Form 2. Hence, there are three (3) documents that you have. 

For affidavit, you will also need to print out your IC front and back, your degree certificate, your birth certificate and the details of your master (which are called as exhibits) to attach it with. The website to the Malaysian Bar Directory is here to find the details of your master 

All of the exhibits need to have a CTC or certified true copy, so ask any lawyer in your firm to do the CTC for you and it cannot be your own master. 

Form 1: For Form 1, you don’t have to fill them in physically anymore. All you have to do is key-in the details at efs kehakiman. Just fill them in and you’re set to go. After that, print it out. Find the website here.

Affidavit: For the affidavit, put in your name and the rest just leave it empty. Don’t forget to attach together your exhibits with the affidavit. Hence, both your affidavit and the exhibits will be considered as one document. 

Form 2: Put in your name, your address, your name again, address, leave the rest blank, put the name of your law firm and the address.

Step 2: 

Affirm Form 1, Form 2 and the affidavit, preferably on the same date to avoid confusion. 

Affirm Forms 1 and 2, You need to find a commissioner of oath other than your own law firm to affirm to sign, stamp and date your documents. The empty parts will be filled in by the Commissioner. 

The same goes for your affidavit. Let Commissioner of Oath affirm it. 

Step 3:

By now, you already have all your form 1, 2 and affidavit prepared with all the details and also with the stamping by the Commissioner of Oath. 

What is left is to open up efs kehakiman and upload all the documents prepared into the system. 

For Form 1, upload it under the category of “Petisyen Penerimaan Masuk (Borang 1 LPA 1976)

For Form 2, upload it under “Notis (Borang 2 LPA 1976)

For affidavit, upload it under “Afidavit

Wait for maybe 1 day, and you can check to see if it is sealed. You will get your petition number, and you will use the petition number to fill in your forms 3, 4 and 5 in the future. 

Step 4:

Download the sealed forms 1, 2 and affidavit and send them to:-

(i) Malaysian Bar, 

(ii) State Bar (KL Bar, for (Selangor Bar; and

 (iii) Attorney-General is through the website , create an account and upload there. 

Step 5:

Once you emailed the sealed documents, the Malaysian Bar, the State Bar and the Attorney-General will acknowledge receipt of your documents. Screenshot the acknowledgement email. 

Now, prepare both the affidavit penyampaian and sijil perakuan ekshibit

Attach the screenshotted emails with the affidavit penyampaian and the sijil perakuan ekshibit. Go to the Commissioner of Oaths again and have affirm all of those documents together. 

You will have a complete set of affidavit penyampaian, sijil perakuan ekshibit and the screenshot emails as one document. Upload them together and file it at efs kehakiman under the category of “Affidavit Penyampaian”. 

Step 6: 

Prepare Forms 3, 4 and 5. The steps to prepare these forms are similar to preparing forms 1 and 2 and the affidavit, so I am not going to explain in the great detail for the next steps. 

Fill in forms 3, 4 and 5. These forms are important especially for your short-call

Form 3: put Kuala Lumpur or the court that you are doing chambering in (the State), your sealed petition number, etc. the court will decide when is your short-call date

Form 4 & 5: fill in the details as such. 

Step 7: 

Affirm your forms 3, 4 and 5 with the Commissioner of Oath as they will help in filing in the empty spots for you at the bottom of your forms by providing the stamping, place of affirming and their signature and dates. 

Step 8:

File your forms 3, 4 and 5 to the efs kehakiman system. 

Form 3: file it under the category of “Saman Dalam Kamar (Borang 3 LPA 1976)

Form 4: file it under the category of "Afidavit (Borang 4)

Form 5: file it under the category of "Afidavit (Borang 5)

Step 9:

Download the sealed versions of form 3 (you will get your short-call date on it), 4 and 5 from efs kehakiman and serve the copies to the three bodies which are the Malaysian Bar, State Bar and Attorney General Chambers through the same email. 

Step 10:

Screenshot the acknowledgement email from the three bodies and attach it together with affidavit penyampaian and sijil perakuan ekshibit as one document. 

Step 11:

Find a Commissioner of oaths to have them affirm your affidavit penyampaian together with the sijil perakuan ekshibit and screenshot emails as one document.

Step 12:

Upload the three documents together as one under the category of “Afidavit Penyampaian

Step 13:

After uploading your Afidavit Penyampaian, you should get a Letter of No Objection from both the Malaysian Bar and the State Bar after a week. 

File both of them separately at efs kehakiman under the category of “Surat (Daripada Peguam”)

You need to do it as soon as possible before the date of your short-call. 

Step 14:

On the date of your short-call as per the sealed Form 3, you can now check if you have PSP (Perintah Seperti Pohon) on efs kehakiman. It means you have been short-called. 

Step 15:

Here, prepare a Deraf Perintah Short-Call and fill in the details as such and upload it to efs kehakiman under the category “Deraf Perintah”

Step 16:

Maybe wait for a few days, and you will get your sealed Deraf Perintah Short-Call with amendments from court, make a new (actual, not deraf anymore) Perintah and insert the details in it according to the sealed (amended version from court) Deraf Perintah-Short-Call. 

Afterwards, file it at efs kehakiman under the category of “Perintah (Dalam Kamar)

Step 17:

Wait for a few days, and now you can download your sealed Perintah (Dalam Kamar). Email the sealed Perintah to the three bodies as evidence that you have locus for short-call. 

That’s all there is to file forms 1 to 5 for your chambering. Thank you guys so much for watching, hope that this video was informative. Hope to see you again in the future. Goodbye!
