Parti Pejuang, pelopornya Tun Dr Mahathir


Written by: Averroes 

Today on Tun Dr. Mahathir's social account twitter, chetdet blog and facebook, he said that he had formed a new party that was based on the conscience of abating and waning down the norms and customs of corruption among the Malays. He had foretold this in a poetic rhythm that sound somewhat like as translated to be, "If you want positions and money, choose other parties. If you want to redeem your dignity and defend our rights, choose our party. Choose Pejuang." Pejuang is warrior in the Malay word. 

The Malay poem is as follows;

Parti kami ditubuh kerana kesedaran.

Rasuah menghancur bangsa.

Rasuah yang hancur orang Melayu.

Jika ingin dapat jawatan dan wang.

Pilih parti lain.

Jika ingin tebus maruah.

Jika ingin kekal hak kita.

Pilih parti kami.


(Excerpt from, Chedet blog)

Though the party had not presented their logo yet, possibly it is of a Malay traditional feat. UMNO uses the Keris and Jawi scripture, PAS uses the moon to symbolise Islam, Bersatu uses the Malaysian Bunga Raya. For Pejuang, perhaps an image or illustration of a fist, handshake or something along the lines of a pesilat may happen, but there are endless possibilities. Though a fist and handshake is quite redundant and mundane. 

This stems for his views that the country had been plagued with corruption, cronyism, client-ism, gratification, flattery and kleptocrats. He had done so as there was a betrayal from his former party that he had created which is Bersatu that has been taken over by the Pagoh MP, Muhyiddin Yassin and the disastrous switch of loyalty and pledge of fidelity of the former PH members to other side of the battlefield. He had also done so after the court rejected his challenge against his exile from Bersatu with other members. 

He said that the party is neither supporting Pakatan Harapan or Perikatan Nasional. The party will be lead by his son, Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir as President and he himself as the chairman. They are expected to contest for the slim by-election as of 29th of August as being Independent without any bloc or coalition affiliations. Some claim that this is his attempt to elevate his position and add more ego to his personal stance and character. Another state that this is a party no different to other parties that it only advocates for the Malay rights. 

This new party will not necessarily gain the votes they need to win the next election from the Malays or gain support from PKR, DAP, Amanah or even Warisan but since the Grandmaster is involved, it may determine the outcome of Malaysian politics of how he managed to sever the decade ruling coalition of BN on the 9th of May, 2018 post GE-14. Thus becoming the oldest Prime Minister in the world and for the second time in Malaysian history. Neither do they have the grassroots or certain influential individuals. 

Though, the author believes that even when Malaysia is a racially-politically divided country, championing for the Malay rights is still relevant and important.

This is because, we still have to admit that the Malays are still economically and socially handicapped, despite building the majority of the populaiton of Malaysia. Any attempt for reforms and policies that may not go aligned with the interests of the Malays and Muslims may spiral into utter chaos and calamity and there must be further discourse and understanding among the races. Every party has their aspirations to protect the interest of their community and this is not an exception. Unless this formation caters to their respective community, it should not be established to neglect and ignore the other interests of the minorities as under article 153 of the Federal Constitution. 
