My 3-months of Chambering Journey


Written by: Averroes 

13.02.2024 (Tuesday, 9.21pm)

Chambering Hunt 

It's been 3 months since I started chambering on 7th November 2023. For your information, this is my 2nd chambering, because I was pressured to leave from my 1st law firm that I started in October. 

I was jobless for more than 2 months I think, since I officially ended my last paper for my final exams of law school on July 2023. What I did between the 2 months gap was attending a lot of conferences, events, forums and seminars. 

I thought by joining them would enhance my resume and give me a better chance at getting a chambering spot in law firms. I have sent my resumes to more than 30 law firms, but I guess only 7 or 8 law firms responded to my emails. 

At that point of my life, I already thought that I was a failure, useless and ambitionless. I don't know where I was headed and fitted the generic stereotype of a uni graduate that lacked the qualifications for a job, later ending up working in a minimum-wage work at McDonalds, 7-11 or the Petrol Station.

My first interview was in Bangi, it was a law firm run by a wedded couple. It wasn't an interview, but more of a life advice or lesson session with me. I didn't get to go to that firm eventually. I went for an interview at Fahri Azzat, the law firm famous for apostasy cases and constitutional law. 

I didn't get the chance to enter there too, maybe because I didn't look or feel liberal enough, or maybe because I lived far away from that law firm, or that because I wasn't brave enough to take on criminal files or maybe it's just that I didn't vibe with their socialite class. 

I went for a tea-session at Thomas Philips. Technically, it was an interview under the disguise as a tea session. During that time, one of the lawyers would become the moderator and talk about the firm and entertain questions during the tea-session. 

It was during that time, Mr. Thomas Philips himself came at the last minute and suddenly asked us questions about divorce. I knew it was actually an interview, but he pooled everyone in one room. A cup of coffee the size of your palm was RM8.00!?

At least they gave us watermelons, chicken popcorn during the session. 

Then I went for another interview near the Mines, Khairudin Ngiam & Tan. I succeeded in the interview, but I was given 2 weeks of probation. Mr. Kevin was going to be my Master. I couldn't believe that after so many resume applications, I got to do chambering there!

Then, I was called for another interview in Shah Alam, with my first ever law firm. I turned down the earlier offer for the new firm, because it was closer to my house. It was difficult for me to turn down the first offer, I asked by parents about it and they left it for me to decide while giving their own opinion. 

I decided to blur out the name of the firm, because it was THE most worst job experience I ever had, but I tried to take and learn everything I could positively from there. 

So yeah, I ended up in my first ever law firm

1st Chambering Firm

(My first week at the law firm I suppose)

At my first ever law firm my first impression was that everyone had this family-friendly energy. During the interview, the interviewers were giggling and they looked young, a few years older than me. I thought that was quite unprofessional for them to be giggling and joking around, but I let it slide. 

Then, they showed me around the firm, and my Master-to-be leered at me before I left. Then I thought to myself, "bro, that's a huge red flag." But then, I wondered why I still accepted to do my chambering at that law firm, despite all the obvious signs. 

Maybe I was too desperate to start chambering like the rest of my peers and I really wanted a law firm close to my home and to avoid traffic congestion, wasting petrol just in the jam and paying so much highway tolls. 

My goofy ass thought that working at a law firm with a young team or group was going to be similar to university. Full of zest, vigor, excitement and happy moments. 

I was dead wrong!

I was told to do a lot of runner work, drive to far away places and get clients to sign the documents. I was told to participate in online meetings, then do research for litigation, prepare arguments, creditors petition, I barely did any conveyancing, because my Master was very meticulous about the work. 

I had to do a lot of Letter of Demand, review shareholders agreements and shares agreement, then draft cause papers, pleadings, writ of summons, statement of claims, then make corrections to court transcripts. I also had to go get documents affirmed by the Commissioner of Oaths. 

Heck, I only did 2 things for conveyancing and my Master didn't dare to give me more work, because she only wanted perfection and assumed that I knew everything from the tip of my fingers. I had zero space to learn anything, just because my Master doesn't want to 'spoon feed' me. 

(My own room at the law firm)

My Master at that law firm is very neurotic. A blend of crazy, mad and emotionally unstable I would say. Sometimes, she would randomly blurt out during the middle of the day for no reason. Since my own room had a very thin layer of wall, I could hear her voice from my side. 

Everytime she called me in her room with another chambee, I became very frantic and nervous. I'm not going to describe her physically, I'll leave it up to your imagination. 

I can't sleep well every night thinking about my Master and the things she would scream out every time in office. I don't know, but she should find a psychiatrist or someone to vent out her frustration. 

Don't get me started on the gaslighting too. 

While I was working, I had 3 different invitations from other law firms, such as Raja Daryl & Co. and the famous ZICO!

I wanted to go there, but then I thought I was already in this current firm, and leaving after a few days was rude.

Also, yet again, I kept thinking about the distance of the firm with my house.

However, I regretted for not leaving early, if not I may have landed in large firms by now.

It was on that fateful day that my Master and the partner of firm called me into the interview room and talked me out (*pressured) me to leave the firm because of my performance. 

I was already almost a month there and I told myself in my head, "It's time to leave now."

I reckoned that I was pressured to leave, because I demanded quite a high amount of allowance for a chambering student. Due to the mismatch between my allowance and the law firm's expectation, I think they wanted to cut cost. 

After the meeting and the day after, I didn't even prepare my resignation letter, but I already noticed that my access to the server had been disconnected. I didn't even told them of my decision to leave yet, but the firm had already executed plans and steps for my removal. 

Without hesitation, I packed up all of my belongings. I literally cried that night at home, promising to never come there again. 

Then, I became jobless again for 1 week, until my 2nd law firm picked me up from where I fell. It was really embarrassing that whenever me and my family went on social events, other people would ask my mom what do I do, am I still studying or working. 

My mom without flinching or anything just said that I'm working at a law firm, even though I am unemployed. It's really hard to digest to see your mom lie to other people about how you had flunked and lied that you're working, just to make you feel better and avoid judgment from society. 

Hasbullah Mohamad & Co. 

I was invited to go for an interview at their law firm. I went up the shophouse and got into the main waiting area. I was called in by the HR (who would soon be the person I would apply for my leave everytime HAHAHA), to meet my future-to-be Master. 

My Master has this motherly touch to her, she looks similar to an Ustazah from a Sekolah Agama if you ask me. I consider myself to be very lucky to be under her guidance after getting so much negative treatment in my previous law firm. 

Here, I mostly do conveyancing and litigation (mostly on probate and administration). 

Every Wednesday, we would have Portluck, depends on who are present and absent. On Friday, we would recite the Yassin, qunut nazilah, and have taddabur. Friday is my favourite day, in addition to going to Friday prayers. 

It's really tiring and exhausting working at the law firm as it has now passed 3 months. I'm counting all the days for it to be 9 months. I just want to get my chambering over with. I don't enjoy doing conveyancing and litigation work.

I mean, the staffs there are okay, it's just that there are times I annoy certain lawyers for making a lot of mistakes and probably offending them for whatever reason. After 3 months, they are giving me the passive-aggressive treatment. 

However, the lawyer that had been helping a lot for the past 3 months is Kak Sayang. Yes, her name is Cik Sayang. It's a unique name, you don't hear it often. She's the one who had been patiently helping and guiding me for all the documents and papers in conveyancing. 

I learnt the most from her. Sometimes, throughout the day, she would shed her own words of advice, sometimes she would talk about her experiences when she was a chambee back in the days. She had it harder than me, but that is what makes her a resilient lawyer until today. 

While doing my chambering there, Mr. Munashir Mansor from Skrine called me over for an interview. I took the train all the way to KL, but ended up telling the truth that I was already doing my chambering here.

Honestly, I can't simply leave Hasbullah Mohamad & Co. My master had been very nice and good to me, accepting me after I was jobless for 1 week or more.

My dream of going to Skrine since law school ended just like that. However, I was satisfied that I finally stepped foot into Skrine and met the legend himself, Mubashir Mansor.

Dis you know I applied 3 times, it's not only until I personally emailed Mr. Mubashir, he called me over for an interview.

For me at Hasbullah, I have been drafting Forms 14A, cover letters, letter of appointments, letter of authorisation, preparing bills, invoices, bringing documents to get affirmed, letter of demand, writ of summons, statement of claim, cause papers for letters of administration, vesting order and then transmission. 

I have also been going to Pos Laju and then J&T to deliver documents, as well as calling City Link to deliver letters as well. Also, I would also frequently go to the Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Selangor (SUK Building) to send documents to Mr. Letchu for him to get registered and dealt with at the counter. 

For lunch, I would just eat at a regular Malay Restaurant, or buy packaged pastries at the bakery.  

However, my specialty is also being a debt collector, by calling clients who have not paid their debts yet. I have successfully called and asked clients who have not paid in months to settle their debts, despite all my previous predecessors failing to do so. 

That is quite an achievement!

Now, with 6 months left, I applied to for a PTD position to become a diplomat at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I have my PAC and Ujian Kecergasan on 21 February 2024, wish me luck!

Also, I applied to go to the ASEAN Youth Economic Forum in Vientiane, Laos. I hope I get selected too. 

I also applied to study for my Masters Degree at UiTM Shah Alam. From my email, they said they are still processing my application, and it is expected that I would begin in March. 


InsyaAllah, with all my prayers, patience and dedication, as well as determination, I believe that I can overcome all adversities and pave my road to greater heights in the future. For the past 3 months, I can say that I don't see myself working as a lawyer or maintaining it as my career in the future. I don't think I have the *umph or zass to go on, but I am always open and hopeful that better things in life would come for me if we just believe in it. 
